Theawaykid Corporation

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Windows Geniune Advantage Note1.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Learn the risks. Make sure your software is genuine. Reinforce your system.
It's a fact. Counterfeit software can threaten your personal data, and Web sites that offer counterfeit goods and licenses are often rife with threats. New research from international market-research firm IDC shows that Actioncodeacquiring and using counterfeit software can make it easier for online attackers to steal your identity or use your personal data for financial gain.

Help protect yourself from security threats and identity theft with these three steps:

Learn the risks

See new research from IDC that reveals the signficant amount of malicious and unwanted software that is present on Web sites that offer counterfeit software. IDC also discovered malicious and unwanted software embedded in files advertised as hacking tools, such as "key generators", which are downloadable from peer-to-peer networks and websites. Learn more about these risks. See the summary.

Make sure your software is genuine

Ensure that you have easy access to software updates, downloads, and special offers. ActioncodeValidate your copy of Microsoft Windows with Windows Genuine Advantage.

Reinforce your system

Manage firewall protection, automatic updates, antivirus software, and other security essentials. Help protect your computer from known programs that can track your Web browsing habits or make changes to your computer settings without your consent or control. ActioncodeUse up-to-date antispyware software such as Microsoft Windows Defender.

Note:If your computer is not a WGA [Windows Geniune Advantage] Please Upgrade Now By Opening Below Link.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 4:40 AM


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