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Happy New Year from Grant Curtis
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Grant CurtisDear friends,

Happy New Year! I hope 2007 finds you healthy, prosperous and ecstatic on May 4th.

I wanted to take a moment and respond to the two main questions that keep appearing in our web log forum. The first one is whether or not there will be a "Spider-Man 4" and the second is confirming, or denying, the existence of four villains in "Spider-Man 3."

As far as whether or not there will be a "Spider-Man 4," I truthfully do not know as it has yet to be discussed. At this juncture in the post production process, in which we are working six and sometimes seven days a week, all of our time is spent making "Spider-Man 3" the best it can possibly be. To temporarily put the brakes on this project and discuss the feasibility of a fourth picture would do an injustice to the current installment. We didn't make "Spider-Man" knowing there would be a "Spider-Man 2," nor did we know at this stage in the "Spider-Man 2" post-production process that there would be a third film. I will say this though, as all of you who are fans of the comic know, we have barely scratched the surface in terms of all the classic Peter Parker/Spider-Man stories that have been spun by the Marvel storytellers over the years.

Now, concerning the number of villains in "Spider-Man 3," there are… three: Sandman, The New Goblin and Venom. I think some of the questions emerged because there are four forces that Peter has to deal with in this picture: Sandman, The New Goblin, Venom and the influence the black suit has on Peter. Each force represents a major obstacle Peter must overcome as he continues on his journey toward becoming a more well-rounded superhero and, more importantly, a better human being.

Hope you are doing well.

Grant Curtis


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 4:33 PM


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