Theawaykid Corporation

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Symbol readies slimmer corporate PDA phone?
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Barcode reader specialist and soon-to-be Motorola subsidiary Symbol may be set to launch its latest PDA phone in Q1 2007, Reg Hardware has learned, a more lightweight alternative to the beefier devices it’s offered to date.

Dubbed the MC35, the handheld is said to be a “durable, lightweight… all-in-one enterprise communication device”, according to company blurb sent our way this week. Alas, the leaked information didn’t include a full specification sheet, but the MC35 is believed to contain full mobile phone functionality and a built-in GPS receiver. It will run Windows Mobile software, almost certainly version 5.0. We’d expect Bluetooth to be part of the spec too.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 3:24 AM


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