Theawaykid Corporation

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Toshiba unveils fastest 8GB SHDC
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Toshiba has announced what may be the world’s second 8GB SDHC memory card. Alas, Pretec announced just such a product back in September, but Toshiba’s card is faster. It’s a Class 4 device - Pretec’s was a Class 2.

Toshiba’s card has a guaranteed data transfer speed of at least 4MBps, compared to the Pretec product’s 2MBps. The fastest SDHC we’ve seen is Transcend’s Class 6 device, though it’s only offers a 4GB storage capacity.

Toshiba said its 8GB SDHC would go on sale in January 2007. It did not name a price, but the product is expected to cost around ¥40,000 ($340/£180/€265)


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 3:31 AM


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