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Grant's Trivia Questions Answered!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Dear friends,

I just wanted to say a quick congratulations to Colton Easter who, along with many others, answered all of the "Spider-Man 2" trivia questions correctly. I threw Colton's name into a hat, along with everyone else who had the accurate responses, and drew his name out at random. I then asked Sam and Tobey to sign and personalize one of the Black Spidey posters and sent it off to Colton. Once again, congrats Colton and thanks to everyone who took the time to answer the questions and send them in. For those of you who are curious, below are the questions along with the correct answers.

Also, I wanted to take a moment and explain why I have been incommunicado as of late. I'm pleased to announce for the first time that I am writing the making of "Spider-Man 3" book. A sizeable portion of it was due earlier this month and I have been feverishly writing, pulling photographs, etc. and have hence been a little lax in my interactions with you guys. My apologies, but thanks for your understanding.

The book, which will be published by the good people at Chronicle Books and available in bookstores prior to May 4, 2007, is a comprehensive account of all that we went through to bring "Spider-Man 3" to the silver screen. It will contain chapters on the script, casting, production design, costume design and visual effects and will include a day-by-day journal I wrote while filming. Additionally, it will feature my behind the scenes photographs, which I began taking the very first day we started working on the film, on-set photography, pictures taken from various crew members and conceptual art that will blow you away. I am very excited to be writing this book, and am pleased that the reader will have a front row seat for the making of this movie, just as I have.

On the movie front, Sam and Bob are editing on a daily basis and we continue to meet with visual effects supervisor Scott Stokdyk and his team from Sony Pictures Imageworks to go over the latest visual effects shots. Additionally, a couple weeks ago Scott was quite busy overseeing a miniature shoot we did with Ian Hunter and David Sanger of New Deal Studios. Ian, David and their talented team built a portion of a skyscraper at 1/16 scale and then proceeded to rip portions of it apart per the action taking place in Sam's storyboards and animatic.

As amazing as our CGI buildings are, Scott wanted to build a miniature for two main reasons. For starters, by utilizing a miniature, you have the luxury of the resulting debris reacting in the "real world," just as it would if this really happened. There is no guess work or interpretation as to how beams would fall and floors would break away. Additionally, any time there is a practical way to film a shot, just as long as it looks as good as its CGI counterpart, Scott is in favor of the real world option. The work that Imageworks is doing on "Spider-Man 3" is groundbreaking. Literally, the computer programs required to make our characters perform as they need to for the movie did not exist when we started working on "Spider-Man 3." Imageworks has written a whole new set of computer programs for this picture and the results are mind blowing. Therefore, needless to say, if there is ever an opportunity to shoot something practically and take it off the CGI plate, Scott goes for it so that he and his team can focus on those shots which can only be executed via the computer.

Hope you are doing well and for those of you who have been asking for the answers to the questions here you go.

  1. What is the name of the rare element that fuels Doc Ock's fusion machine?
  2. Name the member of the filmmaking team who played the priest that almost married MJ Watson and John Jameson.
  3. What is Peter's license plate number on his scooter?
  4. At what scene in the film do we see the words "Tempus Fugit" on a piece of set dressing?
  5. Who says the line, "chin up, ok?"
  6. Who is Henry Jackson?
  7. How many passengers does Doc Ock throw from the train?
  8. What is the destination of the elevated train that Doc Ock hijacks?
  9. According to the Daily Bugle, how much has crime increased since Spider-Man disappeared?
  10. What is the number of the Pier in which Doc Ock creates his new lab?
  1. Tritium
  2. Joe Caracciolo
  3. 20DF01
  4. When Peter is delivering Pizzas / Before kids gets hit by the bus
  5. Betty Brant
  6. The kid across from Aunt May's house
  7. Two
  8. Bay Ridge
  9. 75%
  10. 56

Grant Curtis


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 4:34 PM


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