Theawaykid Corporation

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E-Ten guns for HTC with Glofiish M700
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Taiwanese handheld maker E-Ten’s Glofiish X500 PDA phone went on sale in the UK today even as the company gears up to announce its second Glofiish-branded device: the first model in the range to offer a slide-out QWERTY keyboard. E-Ten is clearly out to try and beat HTC at its own game.

E-Ten claimed the 1.6cm-thick X500 is the world’s thinnest PDA phone with integrated GPS, 802.11b Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.0 and quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE cellular connectivity. The PDA-style gadget is based on a Samsung 400MHz CPU and contains the usual 64MB of RAM and 128MB of Flash. There’s a MicroSD card slot for memory expansion.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 3:33 AM


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