Theawaykid Corporation

Theawaykid with Spider-Man 3. Webmaster:Sharif Mohamed. Website:

Interesting Interview with Admin
Friday, May 11, 2007
What is the difference between and was run by some other crowd, they used to hang around on IRC long time back, they were Maakun and Syko.
How many hits do you get? What is your bandwidth cost?
We get 4.5 million hits per month, and we spend US$3,000 per year on the site.
How much money do you make on the website?
Why haven’t you monetized the site with Google AdSense?Well our users are paying us pretty well.
You have very sensitive photos of Jabir, Fathhulla and some other high profile people. Have you been approached by any of them to remove the photos? Or have you got any threats to do so?
They have approched our hosting company and most probably paid a huge amount and closed our account, but now we are taking that matter pretty seriously. Anyway that was much more better. Doing that has pushed us to shift to a dedicated server in a huge company which won’t be affected by any money influence. And I want to say something more. “Nobody can stop someone from doing something”. There are always hells of ways.
And yes to Jabir and other high profile people, they should stop doing this shit and sick stuff like kissing bitches, and taking damn pictures. For us there are no so called high profile people. High profile people are our young youth as far as we believe.
Also Jabir can sue the camera company which made that camera with which they took those sick pictures; and besides other political sites this site is intended to let the people know of such sick people and make them correct. Most of the so called high profile people don’t know the difference between a normal website and a forum (discussion board). Jabir might be uneducated but still he can too try Googling and he won’t blame us for the shit on the forum.

You recently accused me (or some other Focus Infocom staff) of packet sniffing through the proxy, what are the basis of this and why do you think Focus would do it?
Its been a long time since Focus admins do sniff data which goes throught Focus connections and Sobah will know about it himself.
What if your site was blocked (stupid thing to do) by the government?
If they block us, we will start printing out some leaflets every week and distribute to all Maldives; so it won’t be a forum with pictures and comments, rather it’ll be leaflets with all those lame comments and pictures. We have a sponsor, they are ready to print leaflets for free.
Your identity is known to many, and many people hate you, are you prepared for any consequences?
Most probably we are like behind a firewall, every shit we do goes to the old users who ran the previous, and our site, is completly different with different people.
When someone asks you to remove a photo/writing, do you remove it?
What should someone do to get a photo removed?
As far as they give us a good reason we will try to remove it and also those people who ask kindly. Your friends, brothers, sisters, husbands friends; when it comes to just that we would rather ignore than remove any.
What are your future plans for the site?
Answer for that question is “keep on watching laa”


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:57 AM


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