Theawaykid Corporation

Theawaykid with Spider-Man 3. Webmaster:Sharif Mohamed. Website:

Shutdown Lock 1.0
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Irritated with the fact that some applications just don’t go well with Window’s Hibernate or Suspend features? The easiest way to fix the problem is to get Shutdown Lock, a program that can hibernate-enable any application, like FlashGet, or AudioGrabber. This tiny utility (only 64 KB) makes it possible for a third party software to force PC into suspension or hibernation, rather than to shut PC down. This is how Shutdown Lock works. The program is loaded upon startup and sits quietly in the system tray. You can enable or disable it with one mouse click. If enabled, the program will either hibernate or suspend PC when a program prompts system shut down. This is a very valuable feature, because it prevents accidental data loss.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 3:38 AM


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