Theawaykid Corporation

Theawaykid with Spider-Man 3. Webmaster:Sharif Mohamed. Website:

Want an Email Address?
Thursday, March 22, 2007
On November 9th, posted about the availability of the Dutch email addresses for a new Windows Live ID. The domain isn't officially available yet. However, by tweaking javascript on the Windows Live ID sign-up page, alternative domain names are listed along with outlines the steps (i.e. workaround) for creating a new email address. (Please check their direct website for changes to the script as new domains are listed. There are many international domains besides the

1. Goto
this page to start registering your windows live account.2. Press the sign-up button and you will be presented a form to sign up for a hotmail account.3.Copy the following javascript injection code:
javascript:function r(q){} function s(q){e[q] = new Option(a[q],a[q])}; r(e = document.getElementById("idomain").options);r(d="live.");r(a = new Array("","","",d+"com",d+"",d+"be",d+"ca",d+"",d+"de",d+"fr",d+"it"/**/,d+"nl")); for (i=0;i


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 10:44 AM


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