Theawaykid Corporation

Theawaykid with Spider-Man 3. Webmaster:Sharif Mohamed. Website:

We Love
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

We can't say enough good things about Wii and everything related to Wii. Well, except for my doubles tennis play as of late. And all of us here at SmileyBuzz are so pleased that cats love the Wii, too. Cats are normally so freakin' snooty about most things. And by "most things" I mean everything except catnip. For proof on how much cats have taken to Nintendo's amazing game system, look no further than The site is packed with photos of cats enjoying the Wii and its wireless handcontrollers. It's a simple concept for a site, well executed. So have at it. Check out the photos. Submit your own WiiKitty. Embrace the Wii. Embrace the WiiKitty.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 9:43 AM


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