Theawaykid Corporation

Theawaykid with Spider-Man 3. Webmaster:Sharif Mohamed. Website:

Friday, May 11, 2007
Hello World. pakapakaaaaaaaas

Lots of my fans were asking about making a blog so that they can have a look at my projects.

I know most of you wants to know who i am. I have got a sad news for those guys, lets just say "keep dreaming" and stop it right there.
For ppl who dont know about recent projects of me continue reading below.

The return of whatever1.

After a long break from the irc, one day joined IRC and just hanging around sneeking in to some chat rooms blaa blaa. I found an interesting topic which NidhiBey, theface and shedow were chating on. The topic was about thebalaabodu forum. Nidhibey was saying "nothing will happen, the site powerd by US internatinal hackers". And another phrase "yeah interanational hackers for a security reason". The curiosity started burning from this time. Was it really powere by hackers like they mention? and i dont really get that "International" part. Anyway this moment i tried keeping the logs with me for the later refernce for you (balaabodu people) guys.

So i did some reserch work on the web server. And found some interesting stuffs plus managed to gather informations i required.
Few days passed... I "somehow" managed to get in to the server and did few harm on it.

Later when i joined irc they mentioned that the site was puporsely down for maintenence. pakapakaaaaaaaaaaaas. I told everyone about it on #kotari channel main. They made fun of it saying it can never be hacked.

The alert

I wanted to prove them that they aint that good as they think they are. First i tried alrming them by massbaning #balaabodu channel from indiana and acidtonic usename and #kotari channel by stealing marube username.
Later that night i joined irc. but they never belived me like before. So i logged in to marube username and hijacked that username. some belived me most didnt, due to this i wasnt yet saitisfied. I found that RLC forum was a nother leading forum in maldives.

Oops RLCforum.

After my reserch work needed to hijack rlcforum, i joined irc and said i am going to deface the rlcforum to everyone. No one seems to belive me instead they started making the fun. I Defaced rlcforum (oops, sorry piret i didnt know it was yours) showed everyone the link and few started to have an interest in knowing me. But that night nD and Nidhibey bet on me saying that thebalaabodu was never hacked and it can never be hacked.. and blaa blaa. I accepted the chanllange my self.

The worst nightmare for balaabodu.

As i have the previous information gatered, it wasnt a big deal for me. The whole procedure this time took less than 20 mins. From this 20mins work i got the following:

1. ssh access to the machine.
2. Webhosting Control panel access.
3. All pop3 emails hosted on doamin.
4. nD's cservice username (ExorcisT) .
Others i will keep as a secret maybe.. for the next time.

When i get all thses informations, i joined irc and told everyone that i will hack thebalaabodu again.. As usual the kids started mocking around. and Kidrow was saying i wouldnt be able to do it. the kiddo didnt even know that i was on a psybnc running (oh thats why my ip matched thebalaabodu ip) on thebalaabodu server. i asked him to do a dns check on and check my ip aswell. Still the kid was saying "you are close". Although i was already in the machine. pakapakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas. anyway after few seconds i showed them that i was there by defacing the site.

So.. nD gave a nice comment about it saying i was spying Alex and installed a keylogger to the cyber which Alex uses. i wonder how i managed to install a keylogger to nD's pc which was in his house. again nD mentioned that i used snug to install a keylogger to his pc in his house.. so all of you guys tell me how did i manage to install a keylogger to stilling's pc who was in romania.. pakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas. well i used stillings user to massban the balaabodu channel next day morning.

the day that kotari was fucked.

hmmm.. so evening returns again with another challange.

I joined as usual to irc and joined #kotari.
and after few mins marube challanges me
"[20:22] u will be very goood if u get Einstein and Preferences and HiElectric and SnuG users also" and,
"[20:23] i would surely bow for u"

I started the work from this moment..
"Somehow" i managed to get snug's bnc login information. and snug was already logged in to his user that time. *Grin*

This time i wanted to share the fun with my fans. so i added access to some users before i massbanned the channel. if you want to know what happened next you can read the logs here.

Thats it for now. any comments? post here.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 12:04 PM


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