Theawaykid Corporation

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If Hello Kitty Gets A Plane, Why Not Us?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
My wife is expecting our first child any day now. As we both play this waiting game, it's suddenly hitting me that I don't know the first thing about raising a little girl. (Although, to be honest, I don't know the first thing about raising turnips. I'm rather hopeless.)

My sister, Lorraine, is six years younger than me, and my childhood memories of she and her friends going crazy for Strawberry Shortcake dolls, My Little Pony, Cabbage Patch Kids and little tea parties with a random assortment of dolls and my rejected Star Wars action figures is all I have to go on when it comes to raising Daddy's Little Girl. Yeah, I'm in trouble.

One thing I know, though. You can't go wrong with Hello Kitty. My sister used to love anything Hello Kitty related, and doing a quick search online turned up the fact that Hello Kitty has, well, expanded a bit since the 1980s. (As have I.) Expanded as in... its own Hello Kitty planes as part of EVA AIR.

One downside. Flights are rather limited. From Taipei to Fukuoka and Tokyo, only. Which doesn't help me out much. It's not as if I can surprise my daughter someday with a Hello Kitty flight to Orlando. Even worse, the Hello Kitty in-flight meals - on top of being super cute - look really delicious.

All of this sorta' begs the question, though... wouldn't it be great if there were Smiley Central planes? For gosh sakes, it's not as if the U.S. airline industry couldn't do with some fresh thinking. Imagine it - smiles on your plane, airline tickets, snack napkins... it sure couldn't hurt passenger morale. (A slap across the face with a large carp wouldn't hurt airline passenger morale at this point.)

So to any airline execs out there, please drop me a line and let's talk. Maybe by the time my daughter is a teenager she can fly to Florida for Spring Break on a U.S. plane adorned with cute smileys. And some healthy smiley snacks. Turnips, perhaps.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 9:48 AM


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