If the names Strong Bad, Coach Z, Marzipan or The Cheat mean anything to you, you'll know I'm referring to the gang over at HomeStar Runner. HomeStar is the clueless, armless but lovable character with the propeller hat. He is surrounded by a cast of friends who are just as bizarre. The most popular, Strong Bad, likes to read through his emails on his trusty old computer and often makes fun of the senders. Some particularly humorous ones that I never get tired of are Little Questions (have you sometime play football?) and Crying (he's got the heart of a champion).

Then there's Strong Bad's stick figure cartoon, Teen Girl Squad and the world famous music video Everybody to the Limit. And how's this for a 404 page?

The strong bad emails have lots of easter eggs too. Some folks were kind enough to document them all as well as transcripts for all the emails at the HomeStar Wiki.

So if you're in the mood for some mindless fun, check out the myriad of cartoons and games as well as the plethora of Strong Bad Emails. If this stuff doesn't make you laugh, consult a doctor because your sense of humor may be dead.