When I was a sophomore in college, I called my parents one night to inform them that my girlfriend and I had just broken up. I was 19 at the time, my ex-girlfriend was 23, so during our courtship I had felt like pretty hot stuff dating "an older woman." Now I was crashing back to earth.

When my mom answered, I started, "Mom, I've got some news..." and then suddenly something inside me just couldn't get me to say, "Sarah and I broke up." Perhaps I was embarrassed, maybe I didn't want to have to explain the details, or it could have been because I was on a public phone in the middle of my dorm floor surrounded by six guys playing lacrosse in a hallway the size of a brick oven.

Whatever the case, what came out of my mouth was likely meant as a joke to stall time, but wow if it wasn't the worst joke of all time.

"Mom...Sarah is pregnant."


My mom didn't so much scream as she made a sound somewhat akin to the gasp a crowd of high-diving onlookers might make after witnessing a fat guy do a belly-flop into a pool of French Onion Soup.

SmileyCentral.comIf that wasn't enough of a clue that I had done wrong, my roommate came bounding out of our room and into the hall with this look of, "What did you just say to your mother?" It's the same look one might expect someone to give you if you admitted to having gone seen Rocky V. Or anything starring a Baldwin brother whose first name wasn't Alec.

"No, no - sorry, mom," I quickly said. "I was just kidding. I'm sorry. So sorry. I have no idea why I just said that..." And before she could tell me how wrong it was what I had just done, I finished, "Sarah and I broke up." My mom, being amazing, jumped from exasperated and bewildered to empathetic and comforting. We've never spoken of that moment since.

Again, I have no idea to this day why I told my mother I had impregnated someone rather than simply tell her that we had gone our separate ways. I did, however, make a mental note that perhaps in some other situation, to another person, there might have been an opportunity for some real humor in what I had just done.

Fast-forward to today and our line of free April Fools' Day ecards. Including a simple "I'm Pregnant!" card inspired by the events above. Perfect for any of you sick-minded ladies out there who want to put the fear of God into your boyfriend. Or his mother.

Note: No need to wait until April 1st to send a card. You can personalize your card today, then set the delivery date for April 1st and we'll deliver it for you.

(April Fools' Day is on a Sunday this year, which isn't a great day for remembering to send a prank card. It's the perfect day to receive one, though. Because who's expecting a prank card while getting ready for church or suffering through a hangover? Or both? Seize the day, my friend!)