Theawaykid Corporation

Theawaykid with Spider-Man 3. Webmaster:Sharif Mohamed. Website:

Favorite Time Waster -
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I've been wasting time online for about 10 years now. And I've quietly been helping others do the same for nearly as long.

Two friends and I started one of the early time-wasting "webzines" in 1997 called Stet. There weren't many webzines back then, as evident by the fact we got mentioned in USA Today, on some random NBC tech show, and dozens of other media outlets. All that attention for writing about stupid stuff like "The Amazing Elvis Pepper" and a blind date I went on in Manhattan where a homeless guy confused me for Doogie Howser and wouldn't leave my date alone until I gave him $20 and a Neil Patrick Harris autograph. (There wasn't a second date.) Yeah - crap like that actually got you into mainstream media back then.

But like most webzines of the late-1990s, Stet didn't last even two years. The other guys went on to write for such TV shows as Nickelodeon's The Amanda Show, Drake & Josh, Zoey 101, not to mention CBS's The Class. Me? I woke up one morning in 1999 and decided to start the first website devoted entirely to snack reviews. I've always had lofty career ambitions.

Funny thing about the late 1990s... there aren't a lot of websites from that time that are still around today. At least very few with enticing content and great writing. One that is...

SmileyCentral.comLike SmileyBuzz, TeeVee is written by a variety of like-minded folks who are, to put it bluntly, crazy as hell. And very, very honest. Most importantly, they write about something we all care about - television.

The TeeVee Vidiots combine keen insight with witty banter and random pop culture references when reviewing new TV shows, discussing annoying television trends, asking why Aaron Sorkin sucks, or looking back at Buffy ten years after it first aired and sobbing quietly.

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posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:14 AM


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