Theawaykid Corporation

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Spamarama Ding Dong
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Weekends were made for eating. And blogging about eating. But mostly, for eating.

If you've got some free time this weekend, why not bake yourself up something truly delectable? The SmileyBuzz Kitchen* strongly recommends this Chocolate Ding-A-Lings recipe.

Honestly, most of us here have trouble buttering bagels and think a teaspoon is what you use to serve tea to dolls. But we're willing to brave the heat of the oven for something this beautiful looking. It's as if an angel born from a river of chocolate and ecstasy baked these cakey delights between granting miracles to British schoolchildren in need of more Coldplay albums.

In other/opposite food news, Spamarama 2007 is quickly approaching. Snuck up on you, didn't it? And that's why you need to bookmark SmileyBuzz. CNN ain't going to tell you stuff like this, kids. Nor will your terribly uninformed mother.

Austin, Texas will play host to this mega-meat event on April 7th. Who will win this year's SPAMERICA ™ Cup trophy? Or the Spamburger eating contest? Visit for all the gory details. And if by any chance you live in Austin and plan to attend, I beg of you to email me photos after the event. Preferably of the Spamalympics.
posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:05 AM


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