SmileyCentral.comI'm so good at wasting time, I've added it to my résumé. So when Patrick asked us SmileyBuzzsters to pick our favorite way of wasting time, I knew it would be an easy task. I got out my "Time Wasters" folder from the filing cabinet, and leafed through to pick a favorite. (Incidentally, creating a "Time Wasters" folder is a great way to waste some time.)

My first pick was, but that seemed like picking "oxygen" as my favorite inhaled gas — just a bit too obvious. So my next choice is Ask Metafilter, a place for visitors to post questions they can't find answers to elsewhere, hoping that the "Hive Mind" can help. And they usually do.

The questions range from absurdly specific ("Where can I find commercial software package that will allow online reservation of bowling lanes in a bowling alley?") to abstract ("How does one live a meaningful life in a world that one has come to believe is meaningless?"). The variety keeps the site from becoming a one-trick-pony, and the frequency of postings (about 60 per day) means there's always something new to read.

To discourage spammers and jokers, you have to make a one-time $5 donation to ask or answer a question. "Lurking" is free, just like at the bus station in real life.

Oh, incidentally, AskMetafilter has some suggestions on how to kill time, as well:

  1. How to kill downtime at work
  2. What to do online 7 hours-a-day
  3. Online games to pass the time
  4. Cool flash movies