Theawaykid Corporation

Theawaykid with Spider-Man 3. Webmaster:Sharif Mohamed. Website:

Favorite Time Wasters: Gate1Travel, Chowhound, and Uniwatch
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Erin: I must say that once work is over for the day, I have a tendency to avoid computers. However, Drew and I are currently in search of a Honeymoon, so I find myself spending a decent amount of time browsing through the amazing deals on With hotels, flights, and some meals included in the prices, I feel that I can basically go anywhere in the world for a great deal. And by joining gate1's email list, I can choose from trips that have additional savings off the regular price. I think everyone should take a moment to see the world now and then, so Honeymoon-ing or not, check it out and see where you can be spending your next vacation. For example: a Paris vacation including 4 nights of hotel accommodations and airfare from NYC to Paris starting at $499 each?!? You wouldn't even have to miss a week of work!

Drew: I don't believe that any time spent browsing around the internet should be considered time wasted. Instead, I like to believe we all spend time on the net to, in some way better ourselves. There are two main sites I visit daily to better myself. First is This board is devoted to “foodies” (mmmmm, food....) where individuals can post recommendations and more importantly, reviews of local restaurants and foods. The second site I can often be found on is This site, maintained by writer Paul Lukas, is devoted to the lost art of sports uniforms. It’s updated daily with information on what teams are wearing what kind of socks, who is getting new uniforms, and so much more. Today I am wearing knee high green ski socks. See what I mean? This is important stuff!

So what's YOUR favorite Internet time waster? Where do you go to mindlessly blow an hour or two? What site can you always rely on, that never lets you down? Drop us a line and if we like it, we'll include your submission in our SmileyBuzz Readers Time Waster Super Finale Extraordinaire. Which, in and of itself, should be a mighty fine time waster.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:27 AM


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