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Anti Drug Campaing Online at Theawaykid
Friday, April 27, 2007 | 0 Comments

Anti-drug Campaign by Chained Organizations

The Chained Organizations anti-drug campaign is a campaign which will help the community to be aware of such addictive drugs and substance abuse. Even now, more teens than ever use illegal drugs. This campaign will enable the whole community to get to know about substance abuse and how these facts could be avoided and controlled in our society today.

This campaign deals with the re-emergence of the drug problems in the whole society in this era and the ways in which the authorities deal with it. Riding on a sweeping victory over the drug addicts and its dealers, we, the chained organization is thorough and decisive in finding out and providing you with the drug problems that had plagued our country and the society for centuries. In this era, however, almost in every country including ours is increasing integration into matters related to drugs; the effectiveness of the old methods has been called into question. Severe punishment of offenders has failed to curb the spread of drug trafficking, and mass campaigns have aroused scant interest from the populace. The much-reduced efficacy of the anti-drug efforts due to the changed macro-environment implies that the drug problem in our community will be persistent if not worsen. It doesn’t matter whether one person of each family is a drug addict or the whole family is under its victim.

Governments are trying to figure out how many families have been corrupted by drugs and or other matters of addiction. All substance abuse is considered as drugs. Thus, those who are victims are under the consequences of drug addicts. A more recent issue which has emerged has to do with adolescents in Maldives who are facing serious problems of drug addiction, alcoholism and other tourism industry related by-products which we all should take under consideration and try to stop those acts. In fact, this is something that will badly affect our family union. As drug addiction is becoming particularly acute, discussing about these facts would enable each and every individual to beware of these.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 4:06 PM
Anti Drug Campaing Online at Theawaykid

Anti-drug Campaign by Chained Organizations

The Chained Organizations anti-drug campaign is a campaign which will help the community to be aware of such addictive drugs and substance abuse. Even now, more teens than ever use illegal drugs. This campaign will enable the whole community to get to know about substance abuse and how these facts could be avoided and controlled in our society today.

This campaign deals with the re-emergence of the drug problems in the whole society in this era and the ways in which the authorities deal with it. Riding on a sweeping victory over the drug addicts and its dealers, we, the chained organization is thorough and decisive in finding out and providing you with the drug problems that had plagued our country and the society for centuries. In this era, however, almost in every country including ours is increasing integration into matters related to drugs; the effectiveness of the old methods has been called into question. Severe punishment of offenders has failed to curb the spread of drug trafficking, and mass campaigns have aroused scant interest from the populace. The much-reduced efficacy of the anti-drug efforts due to the changed macro-environment implies that the drug problem in our community will be persistent if not worsen. It doesn’t matter whether one person of each family is a drug addict or the whole family is under its victim.

Governments are trying to figure out how many families have been corrupted by drugs and or other matters of addiction. All substance abuse is considered as drugs. Thus, those who are victims are under the consequences of drug addicts. A more recent issue which has emerged has to do with adolescents in Maldives who are facing serious problems of drug addiction, alcoholism and other tourism industry related by-products which we all should take under consideration and try to stop those acts. In fact, this is something that will badly affect our family union. As drug addiction is becoming particularly acute, discussing about these facts would enable each and every individual to beware of these.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 4:06 PM
What's Your Favorite Time Waster?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 | 0 Comments
SmileyCentral.comWork is hard. School is boring. And taxes are due. Fortunately, the Internet is filled with wonderful distractions that can eat up between twenty minutes of your day and that period of time known as "the remainder of the Bush presidency."

In fact, I'm fairly certain there are only four truly useful sites on the Web. (Five if you include my MySpace page.) The rest? Awesome excuses to procrastinate.

That's why I've asked all the Buzzsters to post about their favorite online time waster this week. Starting tomorrow, they'll reveal their secrets.

So what's YOUR favorite Internet time waster? Where do you go to mindlessly blow an hour or two? What site can you always rely on, that never lets you down? Drop us a line and if we like it, we'll include your submission in our SmileyBuzz Readers Time Waster Super Finale Extraordinaire. Which, in and of itself, should be a mighty fine time waster.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:34 AM
Favorite Time Waster: Ask Metafilter

SmileyCentral.comI'm so good at wasting time, I've added it to my résumé. So when Patrick asked us SmileyBuzzsters to pick our favorite way of wasting time, I knew it would be an easy task. I got out my "Time Wasters" folder from the filing cabinet, and leafed through to pick a favorite. (Incidentally, creating a "Time Wasters" folder is a great way to waste some time.)

My first pick was, but that seemed like picking "oxygen" as my favorite inhaled gas — just a bit too obvious. So my next choice is Ask Metafilter, a place for visitors to post questions they can't find answers to elsewhere, hoping that the "Hive Mind" can help. And they usually do.

The questions range from absurdly specific ("Where can I find commercial software package that will allow online reservation of bowling lanes in a bowling alley?") to abstract ("How does one live a meaningful life in a world that one has come to believe is meaningless?"). The variety keeps the site from becoming a one-trick-pony, and the frequency of postings (about 60 per day) means there's always something new to read.

To discourage spammers and jokers, you have to make a one-time $5 donation to ask or answer a question. "Lurking" is free, just like at the bus station in real life.

Oh, incidentally, AskMetafilter has some suggestions on how to kill time, as well:

  1. How to kill downtime at work
  2. What to do online 7 hours-a-day
  3. Online games to pass the time
  4. Cool flash movies


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:31 AM
Favorite Time Waster: Gallery of the Absurd
There is nothing I love more than a designer that puts their skills to good use...and by good use I mean MAKING FUN OF CELEBRITIES. It seems everywhere you go these days people are obsessing over the latest 'candid' photos and snippets of 'secret' information. I should know, I am one of them.

But alas, I have found a fresh approach to the madness. Gallery of the Absurd "illustrates the sordid world of gossip and slander while trying to keep a straight face". Finding material in tabloids and paparazzi photos, Fourteen 14 (yes, that is the artists name) keeps us up to date with celebrity culture through her visual representations.

All artwork is available for purchase...and she promises if you buy her originals, you'll get a good karmic return on your investment.

Now go see what Brangelina are up to down in the Big Easy.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:30 AM
Favorite Time Wasters: Gate1Travel, Chowhound, and Uniwatch

Erin: I must say that once work is over for the day, I have a tendency to avoid computers. However, Drew and I are currently in search of a Honeymoon, so I find myself spending a decent amount of time browsing through the amazing deals on With hotels, flights, and some meals included in the prices, I feel that I can basically go anywhere in the world for a great deal. And by joining gate1's email list, I can choose from trips that have additional savings off the regular price. I think everyone should take a moment to see the world now and then, so Honeymoon-ing or not, check it out and see where you can be spending your next vacation. For example: a Paris vacation including 4 nights of hotel accommodations and airfare from NYC to Paris starting at $499 each?!? You wouldn't even have to miss a week of work!

Drew: I don't believe that any time spent browsing around the internet should be considered time wasted. Instead, I like to believe we all spend time on the net to, in some way better ourselves. There are two main sites I visit daily to better myself. First is This board is devoted to “foodies” (mmmmm, food....) where individuals can post recommendations and more importantly, reviews of local restaurants and foods. The second site I can often be found on is This site, maintained by writer Paul Lukas, is devoted to the lost art of sports uniforms. It’s updated daily with information on what teams are wearing what kind of socks, who is getting new uniforms, and so much more. Today I am wearing knee high green ski socks. See what I mean? This is important stuff!

So what's YOUR favorite Internet time waster? Where do you go to mindlessly blow an hour or two? What site can you always rely on, that never lets you down? Drop us a line and if we like it, we'll include your submission in our SmileyBuzz Readers Time Waster Super Finale Extraordinaire. Which, in and of itself, should be a mighty fine time waster.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:27 AM
Favorite Time Waster: Rating Stuff
Aside from my previously mentioned time waster, my favorite online time waster isn't so much a site as it is an activity. I enjoy rating stuff online. Well, more accurately, I feel compelled to rate things. Movies, CDs, name it. If I've seen it, heard it, played it, tasted it, odds are I've rated it somewhere on the intertubes.

Now don't be confused. I rate - I give one to five stars and I'm done. I walk away. I don't review, and I don't recommend.

SmileyCentral.comWhy do I rate? Well, it's therapeutic. The process soothes my inner judgmental bastard. "HA! Take that J. Lo. That's right, I gave Gigli one star. And there's nothing you can do about it!" Ahhhh, I feel the day's negative trappings roll off my shoulders with every star I click.

If my form of therapy were to actually help someone make a decision, it would be wholly accidental. My motivation for rating is purely selfish. I rate for me. You see somewhere along the line I deluded myself into believing the recommendation engines of sites and services like Amazon, Netflix, and iTunes would actually get smarter with the more things I rate.

SmileyCentral.comIn reality, 6,526 ratings later, the best Netflix can do is tell me I should rent Police Squad: The Complete Series. Though I dig a good non sequitur as much as the next guy... well, that's exactly it. "As much as the next guy" is exactly it. It certainly doesn't take an investment of almost 7,000 ratings to be recommended something that every jackass I grew up with in middle school, drank beers with in college, play golf with on the weekends, and game with in the wee hours of the morning would like just as much.

I want to uncover new stuff. SmileyCentral.comStuff I won't find on the beaten path. Stuff that just might broaden my horizons a little. These days, when I've got a little time to waste on the web, I'm on sites that not only feed my rating Jones, but put a different spin on recommendations. My favs are Pandora,, Metacritic, Yelp, and Become.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:24 AM
Favorite Time Waster: Flood It
Flood It!I'm a gamer, a serious gamer. I own a Wii and I have a Mii. I even break out the ol' Xbox from time to time for some first-person shooters. But when I'm unable to get my gaming console fix, I turn to online games.

My favorite time waster is called Flood It. It's a game that you can start up and play for that quick fill of gaming goodness.

The goal is to fill the playing area with a single color in less than 25 attempts. You control the color of the top left most cube by selecting the different colors on the right. When you choose a new color, it consumes adjacent cubes of the same color. As you consume more and more cubes, your control expands. Confused? Don't be, just give it a shot and you'll understand quickly.

Trust me, once you try this game, you won't stop until you win. It's that addicting. How many times have I won? Only once, but now I'm trying to end on my favorite color: purple.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:22 AM
Favorite Time Waster: Fun With Anagrams
As an information junkie, there are many sites that could qualify as my favorite Internet time waster. But I quickly realized that my choice would likely boil down to two particular passions: my lifelong interests in baseball and the written word. I thought long and hard about using this space to extol the virtues of one of my favorite sites devoted to the Grand Old Game -- but asking me to choose a "favorite" is a bit like asking Paris Hilton to pick her favorite nightspot. And then there's the whole matter of whether anything devoted to such a perfectly designed game could ever be deemed a "time waster." Is browsing through endlessly fascinating baseball statistics more of a time waster than watching late night infomercials, the Harlem Globetrotters, cat shows or American Idol? I think not, and I speak from experience.

But if you like words and the many ways you can rearrange ordered letters, then you can get countless hours of wasted time and fun over at the Internet Anagram Server at According to our good friends over at, an anagram is "a word, phrase or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters." I was first introduced to anagrams, not ironically, through my interest in baseball. The very first editions of the Rotisserie League Baseball book ran a series of anagrams between its player descriptions -- and through them I was able to learn that the names of one of my favorite players, Mookie Wilson, could be rearranged to read "Look Women, Is I!" And thankfully, anagrams never inspired baseball nicknames, otherwise the legendary Cal Ripken might today be known as "Lean Prick."

So if you're looking for a good way to pass the time, just enter your name - or the name of a friend, family member or favorite celebrity - into the search box on the site, and click on the "Get anagrams" button. And presto - instant anagrams! What better way to find out that the aforementioned Paris Hilton could be known as "Lost Hairpin," or "Lion Pit Rash"? Or that Jennifer Aniston is "Fine in Torn Jeans"? Hey, no arguments here.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:19 AM
Favorite Time Waster: Fhqwhgads

If the names Strong Bad, Coach Z, Marzipan or The Cheat mean anything to you, you'll know I'm referring to the gang over at HomeStar Runner. HomeStar is the clueless, armless but lovable character with the propeller hat. He is surrounded by a cast of friends who are just as bizarre. The most popular, Strong Bad, likes to read through his emails on his trusty old computer and often makes fun of the senders. Some particularly humorous ones that I never get tired of are Little Questions (have you sometime play football?) and Crying (he's got the heart of a champion).

Then there's Strong Bad's stick figure cartoon, Teen Girl Squad and the world famous music video Everybody to the Limit. And how's this for a 404 page?

The strong bad emails have lots of easter eggs too. Some folks were kind enough to document them all as well as transcripts for all the emails at the HomeStar Wiki.

So if you're in the mood for some mindless fun, check out the myriad of cartoons and games as well as the plethora of Strong Bad Emails. If this stuff doesn't make you laugh, consult a doctor because your sense of humor may be dead.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:16 AM
Favorite Time Waster -
I've been wasting time online for about 10 years now. And I've quietly been helping others do the same for nearly as long.

Two friends and I started one of the early time-wasting "webzines" in 1997 called Stet. There weren't many webzines back then, as evident by the fact we got mentioned in USA Today, on some random NBC tech show, and dozens of other media outlets. All that attention for writing about stupid stuff like "The Amazing Elvis Pepper" and a blind date I went on in Manhattan where a homeless guy confused me for Doogie Howser and wouldn't leave my date alone until I gave him $20 and a Neil Patrick Harris autograph. (There wasn't a second date.) Yeah - crap like that actually got you into mainstream media back then.

But like most webzines of the late-1990s, Stet didn't last even two years. The other guys went on to write for such TV shows as Nickelodeon's The Amanda Show, Drake & Josh, Zoey 101, not to mention CBS's The Class. Me? I woke up one morning in 1999 and decided to start the first website devoted entirely to snack reviews. I've always had lofty career ambitions.

Funny thing about the late 1990s... there aren't a lot of websites from that time that are still around today. At least very few with enticing content and great writing. One that is...

SmileyCentral.comLike SmileyBuzz, TeeVee is written by a variety of like-minded folks who are, to put it bluntly, crazy as hell. And very, very honest. Most importantly, they write about something we all care about - television.

The TeeVee Vidiots combine keen insight with witty banter and random pop culture references when reviewing new TV shows, discussing annoying television trends, asking why Aaron Sorkin sucks, or looking back at Buffy ten years after it first aired and sobbing quietly.

Continue reading...


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:14 AM
Spread Irish Cheer...Send a Free St. Pat's eCard!
A Lucky GiftLooking for an effortless way to spread the luck of the Irish this weekend? Well, it couldn't be easier than heading over to My Fun Cards - our free online greeting cards site - and sending one of our many fun St. Patrick's Day eCards to friends and family members. You won't even have to wear green, leave the comfort of your home, or drink oddly colored beverages.

Whether you're actually Irish - or just pretending to be on Saturday - you and your mates will get a kick out of our recent additions to our St. Patrick's Day online greeting card collection. We've got the perfect card for folks who may need St. Patrick's help after getting too deep in the holiday spirit, and another card for people who may like the corned beef and cabbage, but not the side effects. There's even a sing-along card dedicated to green beer. Leprechaun Game

If games are more your thing, you'll love our interactive Find the Clover, Lucky Gift and Leprechaun Game cards. We even have cards with Irish blessings and St. Patrick's Day poems for folks whose idea of celebrating the holiday is a bit more...well...sober.

So don't waste your time this weekend searching for shamrocks. Get in the green by sending one of our free St. Patrick's Day eCards instead!

Kiss Me St. Pat's Stupor Corned Beef


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:09 AM
Smile Like You Mean It
SmileyCentral.comFans of The Killers and the O.C. may already be aware of Tally Hall's cover of Smile Like You Mean It, but for everyone else... take a listen. A great way to kick-start your week.

Speaking of The Killers, their Read My Mind video can be seen here. Any video that features a Japanese Elvis and a bizarre green worm-like mascot who brushes his teeth in a public restroom is good Monday viewing in my book. Enjoy.
posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:08 AM
Never Too Early to Prank Your Friends
When I was a sophomore in college, I called my parents one night to inform them that my girlfriend and I had just broken up. I was 19 at the time, my ex-girlfriend was 23, so during our courtship I had felt like pretty hot stuff dating "an older woman." Now I was crashing back to earth.

When my mom answered, I started, "Mom, I've got some news..." and then suddenly something inside me just couldn't get me to say, "Sarah and I broke up." Perhaps I was embarrassed, maybe I didn't want to have to explain the details, or it could have been because I was on a public phone in the middle of my dorm floor surrounded by six guys playing lacrosse in a hallway the size of a brick oven.

Whatever the case, what came out of my mouth was likely meant as a joke to stall time, but wow if it wasn't the worst joke of all time.

"Mom...Sarah is pregnant."


My mom didn't so much scream as she made a sound somewhat akin to the gasp a crowd of high-diving onlookers might make after witnessing a fat guy do a belly-flop into a pool of French Onion Soup.

SmileyCentral.comIf that wasn't enough of a clue that I had done wrong, my roommate came bounding out of our room and into the hall with this look of, "What did you just say to your mother?" It's the same look one might expect someone to give you if you admitted to having gone seen Rocky V. Or anything starring a Baldwin brother whose first name wasn't Alec.

"No, no - sorry, mom," I quickly said. "I was just kidding. I'm sorry. So sorry. I have no idea why I just said that..." And before she could tell me how wrong it was what I had just done, I finished, "Sarah and I broke up." My mom, being amazing, jumped from exasperated and bewildered to empathetic and comforting. We've never spoken of that moment since.

Again, I have no idea to this day why I told my mother I had impregnated someone rather than simply tell her that we had gone our separate ways. I did, however, make a mental note that perhaps in some other situation, to another person, there might have been an opportunity for some real humor in what I had just done.

Fast-forward to today and our line of free April Fools' Day ecards. Including a simple "I'm Pregnant!" card inspired by the events above. Perfect for any of you sick-minded ladies out there who want to put the fear of God into your boyfriend. Or his mother.

Note: No need to wait until April 1st to send a card. You can personalize your card today, then set the delivery date for April 1st and we'll deliver it for you.

(April Fools' Day is on a Sunday this year, which isn't a great day for remembering to send a prank card. It's the perfect day to receive one, though. Because who's expecting a prank card while getting ready for church or suffering through a hangover? Or both? Seize the day, my friend!)


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:06 AM
Spamarama Ding Dong
Weekends were made for eating. And blogging about eating. But mostly, for eating.

If you've got some free time this weekend, why not bake yourself up something truly delectable? The SmileyBuzz Kitchen* strongly recommends this Chocolate Ding-A-Lings recipe.

Honestly, most of us here have trouble buttering bagels and think a teaspoon is what you use to serve tea to dolls. But we're willing to brave the heat of the oven for something this beautiful looking. It's as if an angel born from a river of chocolate and ecstasy baked these cakey delights between granting miracles to British schoolchildren in need of more Coldplay albums.

In other/opposite food news, Spamarama 2007 is quickly approaching. Snuck up on you, didn't it? And that's why you need to bookmark SmileyBuzz. CNN ain't going to tell you stuff like this, kids. Nor will your terribly uninformed mother.

Austin, Texas will play host to this mega-meat event on April 7th. Who will win this year's SPAMERICA ™ Cup trophy? Or the Spamburger eating contest? Visit for all the gory details. And if by any chance you live in Austin and plan to attend, I beg of you to email me photos after the event. Preferably of the Spamalympics.
posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:05 AM
April Fools' Day Prank: The Red Shower When I was in college, I was a big prankster. One April Fools' Day came around and I decided to play a few pranks on my roommates. My favorite prank? Definitely the Red Shower.

How does it work? Easy, follow these steps...

1. Unscrew your shower head.
2. Pour your favorite red powdered mix into the end of the shower head. You can use Koolaid, Crystal Light, anything.
3. Screw your shower head back on, and hide outside the bathroom.
4. Listen for your target to scream when they turn on the shower and get blasted with red water.

Prank at your own risk. I do not want to be responsible for any harm caused by you, or to you. That red faced target of yours may be looking for revenge.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:03 AM
Jack of One Trade

It's been said that a "Jack of all trades, is a master of none". Over the past few years, a number of restaurateurs have taken this saying to heart by opening chow-worthy locations that specialize in a particular type of food. For example, if you're in the mood for cereal, you might want to go to “Cereality”. In a cheesy mood? Try some macaroni and cheese. Or perhaps you'd like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a tasty Japanese cream puff, or maybe some fried potatoey goodness.

Our first experience with this phenomenon was in Scottsdale, Arizona, when we came across P.B. Loco, which helped satiate Drew's obsession with peanut butter. It's been a few months since that trip to Scottsdale, so we were pleasantly surprised last night during a walk through Nolita in Manhattan when we came across "Rice to Riches" - a restaurant focused on rice pudding. They serve rice pudding, and ONLY rice pudding. We can honestly say that we never knew how much we needed an exclusively rice pudding vendor until we tasted its rich, sweet deliciousness. We opted for the "Coast to Coast Cheesecake" flavor, but we are looking forward to future visits to try out "Fluent in French Toast", "Category 5 Caramel", and "Stubborn Banana", as well as the seventeen additional flavors that are offered, which may vary from week to week.

Now that these food speciality locations have come to our attention, there are a number of concepts we would like to put out there for all of you budding entrepreneurs. We eagerly await the opening of "Make Room For Jello", "Please Gimme Pierogies" and "Matzoh Balls and Mo'".


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 11:00 AM
Put an Easter Card in Someone's Basket
Ho Ho Happy EasterDid you almost forget it was Easter weekend? Don't fret. Whether you're looking for chocolate bunnies, chicks or something that reflects the real religious meaning of the holiday, you'll find something for everyone in our large collection of Easter eCards at My Fun Cards, our free online greeting card site.

Ever wonder what would happen if you left the kids alone with their Easter candy on Sunday morning? Our talented 3D animator Stephen provides a very clear picture of the resulting scene in our brand new Easter Candy Coma card. And if you're one of those folks who just has to know the secret behind how the Easter Bunny manages to deliver all that candy to overeager youngsters on Easter morning, you'll find the answer in our Ho Ho Happy Easter card....although the title might actually give the secret away.

But we also realize that Easter is about far more than well-traveled bunnies and children consuming endless quantities of sugar. People looking to share the deep and moving religious meaning behind the holiday will find a few cards with biblical passages and religious themes - including a brand new card, Holiest Day, which is set inside a church.

There are also a few interactive Easter cards if you'd like to challenge a friend or family member to decorate their own Easter egg, or find some cleverly hidden eggs to reveal a special holiday message.

On behalf of everyone at My Fun Cards and Smiley Buzz headquarters, we wish those celebrating this weekend a happy, healthy and holy Easter.

Blessed Easter Big Easter Egg Holiest Day


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 10:46 AM
Friday the 13th Warning!
Here at SmileyBuzz headquarters, we're always looking out for you. Because we spend many hours each day thinking up new ways to make you smile - and we recognize that those smiles can be hard to come by should an unfortunate accident happen to befall you.

That's why we'd like to take this opportunity to advise you that if any black cats should happen to appear in front of you today, you might want to turn and walk the other way. And don't even think about walking underneath that ladder perched up against the side of that building. You may want to avoid even stepping on those cracks in the sidewalk pavement...just to be safe.

Why? Well, a quick glance at the calendar will tell you all you need to know. It's Friday the 13th!

For all you paraskavedekatriaphobics out there, we have just two words: be careful. And because we recognize that you'll likely want to remind your fearful friends, family members and neighbors what day it is, we created a special Friday the 13th eCard just to help you out.

If sending a smiley to warn your friends is more your style, you'll find our "cat"-ostrophic kitty in the Holiday section of Smiley Central - simply by clicking on the "Other" link at the top of the section window.

But we'd also like to take this opportunity to learn more about you, dear reader.

Are there some particularly unique or dark superstitions that you'd like to share?
Now's the time to come clean. Shoot me an email by clicking on the link on my profile page - and your idiosyncrasies may very well make it into a future post...for all your fellow SmileyBuzzsters to see.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 9:52 AM
Wear' em! Drink' em! Stamp' em!
Yes. We know you’ve been lying awake at night thinking. “I love using Smileys in my IMs, emails and phones, but I wish there were more ways I could express myself with them.” It’s been hounding you, right? Well, friends, your wish is our command.

Introducing the new Smiley Central store. Now you can speak your mind with your favorite smileys through t-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, cards, bumper stickers, stamps and lots of other stuff!

What? You want more? Like making them customizable allowing you to insert not only smileys, but pictures and text, too? Done! Dream up practically anything you want and make it happen. How 'about a shirt, or a mug featuring your favorite canine pal? Perhaps a card, or even a stamp?

Just drop in now and pick up cool Smiley Gear at and have fun!


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 9:50 AM
If Hello Kitty Gets A Plane, Why Not Us?
My wife is expecting our first child any day now. As we both play this waiting game, it's suddenly hitting me that I don't know the first thing about raising a little girl. (Although, to be honest, I don't know the first thing about raising turnips. I'm rather hopeless.)

My sister, Lorraine, is six years younger than me, and my childhood memories of she and her friends going crazy for Strawberry Shortcake dolls, My Little Pony, Cabbage Patch Kids and little tea parties with a random assortment of dolls and my rejected Star Wars action figures is all I have to go on when it comes to raising Daddy's Little Girl. Yeah, I'm in trouble.

One thing I know, though. You can't go wrong with Hello Kitty. My sister used to love anything Hello Kitty related, and doing a quick search online turned up the fact that Hello Kitty has, well, expanded a bit since the 1980s. (As have I.) Expanded as in... its own Hello Kitty planes as part of EVA AIR.

One downside. Flights are rather limited. From Taipei to Fukuoka and Tokyo, only. Which doesn't help me out much. It's not as if I can surprise my daughter someday with a Hello Kitty flight to Orlando. Even worse, the Hello Kitty in-flight meals - on top of being super cute - look really delicious.

All of this sorta' begs the question, though... wouldn't it be great if there were Smiley Central planes? For gosh sakes, it's not as if the U.S. airline industry couldn't do with some fresh thinking. Imagine it - smiles on your plane, airline tickets, snack napkins... it sure couldn't hurt passenger morale. (A slap across the face with a large carp wouldn't hurt airline passenger morale at this point.)

So to any airline execs out there, please drop me a line and let's talk. Maybe by the time my daughter is a teenager she can fly to Florida for Spring Break on a U.S. plane adorned with cute smileys. And some healthy smiley snacks. Turnips, perhaps.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 9:48 AM
We Love

We can't say enough good things about Wii and everything related to Wii. Well, except for my doubles tennis play as of late. And all of us here at SmileyBuzz are so pleased that cats love the Wii, too. Cats are normally so freakin' snooty about most things. And by "most things" I mean everything except catnip. For proof on how much cats have taken to Nintendo's amazing game system, look no further than The site is packed with photos of cats enjoying the Wii and its wireless handcontrollers. It's a simple concept for a site, well executed. So have at it. Check out the photos. Submit your own WiiKitty. Embrace the Wii. Embrace the WiiKitty.


posted by Theawaykid coporation @ 9:43 AM
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